Monday - Saturday, 9AM to 7PM
24Hrs Emergency Calls +1 347-894-8949
Do you need highly skilled medical care after a surgery?
Are you recovering strength and coordination after an accident?
Has an elderly loved one’s cognitive or physical deterioration become overwhelming?

Home Care Services via our highly skilled Nurses

  • DMTLC’s services can help to make the transition from hospital to home as easy as possible, with no gaps in your care or your treatment.
  • DMTLC can provide home health care when, where, and how you need it and which meets the needs of every generation, from infants to seniors, regardless of diagnosis or health condition.
  • DMTLC can provide skilled nursing after or to prevent a hospitalization, assistance with daily activities to age safely at home (even when battling several chronic diseases), and specialized care for specific conditions.
  • DMTLC’s staff reflects the diversity of New York City, and we provide culturally capable care for our patients who live in the New York City metropolitan area, but are from other countries and cultures.
  • DMTLC works closely with our community, hospital, and insurance partners to provide specialized services to you or your loved one as you remain safe and healthy at home.